Custom Mouthguards in Austin, TX

Searching for a dentist in Austin that creates custom mouthguards? Balcones Family Dental utilizes digital scanners to quickly design durable custom mouthguards that are both comfortable and effective. To learn more or schedule your next appointment with us, please contact us, and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

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What are my options for custom mouthguards?

  • Athletic mouthguards — Athletic mouthguards are protective devices worn during sports to cushion the teeth and jaws, reducing the risk of injuries like broken teeth, cuts, and jaw fractures. Custom-made mouthguards provide a better fit and superior protection compared to store-bought options.
  • Nightguards for bruxism — Nightguards are specially designed appliances worn at night to prevent teeth grinding (bruxism), helping to protect tooth enamel and reduce jaw pain or headaches associated with grinding.
  • Sleep apnea oral appliances — Sleep apnea oral appliances are custom-fitted devices that help keep the airway open by repositioning the lower jaw, improving breathing during sleep and reducing symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.

boy playing soccer

How are custom mouthguards created?

Custom mouthguards are created by dental professionals to fit the unique shape of your teeth and mouth. The process begins with taking a digital impression of your teeth, which is a quick, comfortable, and efficient process. This impression is then sent to a lab, where the mouthguard is crafted from durable, high-quality materials. Once completed, the mouthguard is checked for a snug fit and adjusted if necessary.


Are custom mouthguards worth the investment?

Custom mouthguards are often worth the investment because they offer superior protection, comfort, and durability compared to store-bought alternatives. A custom fit ensures that the mouthguard stays securely in place, providing better protection against injuries, such as broken teeth or jaw injuries during sports.

For individuals with chronic bruxism or sleep apnea, custom nightguards can help relieve symptoms and improve the patient’s sleep quality almost instantly. Although they are often more expensive upfront, their durability and effectiveness make them a cost-effective solution in the long run.

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